JST - JST has been dedicated to excellence in connection technology as a global manufacturer of high quality (ISO-9001/QS-9000) sub-miniature connectors since 1957. Our product offering consists of Wire-to-Wire, Wire-to-Board, Board-to-Board, Flex/Flat Cable, memory connectors, solderless terminals, chain terminals, shunts and application tooling. JST's Engineering Centers offer design and development, prototype and pre-production manufacturing, and electrical/environmental testing capabilities. Production flexibility, innovative product development, production engineering, quality assurance, value added solutions and responsiveness to customer needs are what have fueled our growth and resulted in rewarding partnerships with our valued customers.

JST Esittelyssä olevat tuotteet


Arvostamme sitoutumistasi Chipsmall:n tuotteisiin ja palveluihin. Mielipiteesi on meille tärkeä! Käytä hetki alla olevan lomakkeen täyttämiseen. Arvokas palautteesi varmistaa, että tarjoamme jatkuvasti ansaitsemaasi poikkeuksellista palvelua. Kiitos, että olet osa matkaamme kohti huippuosaamista.